Zero Pollution – VOC recovery

Recovered EDC

We did it! PURGIT has recovered 924 tons of VOC!

924 tons of recovered VOC has never been done before in tank degassing. PURGIT did that by condensing instead of burning. But what makes us different is that the 924 tons of VOC were available for recycling. In other words PURGIT recovered that VOC instead of burning it. Our system recovers instead of destroying valuable resources. Our condensers make no pollution.

The PURGIT vapor control process takes the VOC gases – the vapor – out of the storage tank as a gas, chills it in a condenser which converts it back to liquid. Then we put the liquid into holding tanks. The recovered liquid is as pure as it was in the storage tank. We offer true pollution control. Carbon credits may be available.

We are USCG approved and can save your company the air permit emissions using a closed, ZERO emission system.